
What’s On Our Minds

January 6, 2015

DOTATATE PET/CT changed treatment plans for 60% of NET patients

PET/CT with Ga-68 DOTATATE has been found to change treatment plans in a majority of patients...
January 6, 2015

PET scans can help select best TB drugs for trials

Advanced lung imaging using PET and CT scans can reveal whether an experimental anti-TB drug...
January 6, 2015

Quality (Out of) Control: Why We Need Standardized Image Quality Metrics

Image quality is vital to the overall quality of medical imaging service delivery. Instead of getting better with time, however...
January 6, 2015

[PET Scan] Reveals Smoking lights up brain’s response differently in men and women

Yale researchers using a new brain imaging analysis method have confirmed that smoking cigarettes activates a dopamine-driven...