Benefits of Exercise for Parkinson’s Patients Linked to Increased Dopamine Release, [PET] Study Suggests

All patients underwent two PET scans, one before and one after exercising on a stationary cycle, to determine whether exercise affects the release of natural dopamine in the dorsal striatum — a region of the brain involved in the control of movement. PET scans were performed after overnight withdrawal from dopaminergic medication. {read more here}

While liver biopsies are powerful and reliable, they are also invasive, painful, limited and subject to complications. These effects may soon be a thing of the past for some patients thanks to new research showing PET imaging with the 18F-FAC radiotracer can be used as a non-invasive substitute. The study is featured in the October issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. {read more here}

Molecular imaging societies have numerous recommendations for patients with diabetes who undergo fluoride-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT tumor imaging. According to new research published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology, however, many providers are not explaining these things to patients when appointments are scheduled. {read more here}

A combination of PET and CT scanning of the temporal, occipital, maxillary and vertebral arteries demonstrated good diagnostic accuracy for giant cell arteritis compared with temporal artery biopsy, according to data from a late-breaking abstract presented here.  {read more here}